Website Manager

El Cerrito Youth Baseball

El Cerrito Youth Baseball

Volunteer Job Descriptions

The following league jobs fully satisfy the volunteer hour requirements. 

Board Member:  Members of the Board of Directors generally meet monthly, and sometimes twice per month, to execute league business and administer the league.  Meetings occur almost every month of the year and are rarely shorter than 2 hours.  Every board member takes on an important league function or special project (i.e., Opening Day, equipment, sponsorship, fundraisers, etc.) and participates in all aspects of season preparation and completion.  15 positions

Registrar:  The Registrar administers the ECYB registration and enrollment process.  The Registrar provides the Board and Division Presidents information on each player and updates and administers the on-line player and family information database.

Division President:  Division Presidents oversee their designated division.  They set up and manage their division’s evaluations, run the draft, schedule practices and games.  The Division Presidents ensure that league rules are followed and mediate conflicts, should they arise.  See ECYB rules for more information about this position.  Division Presidents report to the board.

Team Manager:  Team Managers are interviewed and appointed by the board.  Team managers (1 per team) are responsible for all aspects of running the team including organizing and running practices and games and managing the coaches.  They are responsible for knowing and following league rules and the principals of Positive Coaching. 

Team Coach:  Teams coaches (1 lead and 1 assistant per team) under the direction of the team manager help run the team.  Other parents are welcome and encouraged to help, but will not receive volunteer credit.  Shetland only:  Two base coaches, a batting coach and a bench manager may receive full credit for volunteer service per team.

League Equipment Manager:  The League Equipment Manager distributes and collects league provided equipment to each team.  The League Equipment Manager maintains the equipment inventory, determines what equipment is needed each season and orders equipment.  The League Equipment Manager reports to the board.

League Equipment Assistants:  League Equipment Assistants assist the League Equipment Manager.  See job description for League Equipment Manager.  2 positions

League First Aid Coordinator:  The League First Aid Coordinator purchases, distributes and collects league-provided first aid supplies to each team.  The League First Aid Coordinator maintains first aid supplies and replenishes them as requested by team managers or team business managers.  The League First Aid Coordinator reports to the League Equipment Manager.

League Business Manager:  The League Business Manager manages the Team Business Managers (TBMs) and communicates league information.  The League Business Manager works with the Volunteer Coordinator to determine parent participation refunds.

Volunteer Coordinator:  The Volunteer Coordinator recruits volunteers to fill league-level positions and jobs.  The Volunteer Coordinator tracks league-level hours and communicates them to the Team Business Managers.  The Volunteer Coordinator works with the League Business Manager and the League Uniform Coordinator to determine parent participation refunds.

League Uniform Coordinator:  The League Uniform Coordinator distributes and collects league provided uniforms to each team and the umpires.  The League Uniform Coordinator maintains the uniform inventory, inspects returned uniforms, and orders new uniforms as necessary.  The League Uniform Coordinator reports to the board and the Volunteer Coordinator.

League Uniform Assistants:  League Uniform Assistants assist the League Uniform Coordinator.  See job description for League Uniform Coordinator.  2 positions

Team Business Manager:  The Team Business Manager handles all team business outside of running practices and managing games.  The Team Business Manager assigns jobs to parents, tracks hours, and helps to ensure that everyone on their team completes their volunteer hours.  1 per team

Team Scorekeepers:  Team Scorekeepers (mandatory 2 per team) keep score at each game.  Games are to be evenly divided between scorekeepers.  Game scores along with full game reports, collected from the Team Manager, must be e-mailed to the Division President and league Website score reporters by midnight following completion of each game.  Attendance at the scorekeeper’s pre-season meeting is mandatory.  Scorekeeper training will be provided.

Field Maintenance Manager:  The Field Maintenance Manager interacts with the Board and City officials to identify what work needs to be performed on the fields and when.  The Field Maintenance Manager recruits and leads work parties to improve and maintain playing fields including structures, i.e., backstops, benches, and equipment containers.  The Field Maintenance Manager reports to the board and League Equipment Manager.

League Trophy Coordinator:  The League Trophy Coordinator orders and coordinates distribution of trophies for the regular season and playoff winners in each division (except Shetland), Dick Bloomer Outstanding Sportsmanship Awards, and the Hit-A-Thon trophies.  Note: Teams will be responsible for ordering and purchasing their own participation trophies.

Umpire Scheduler:  The Umpire Scheduler schedules umpires for regular season games, make up games and post season games on the Assignr website.  The Scheduler works with the Head Umpire.  The Umpire Scheduler hosts bi-monthly umpire meetings at the Harding Clubhouse.

Head Umpire:  The Head Umpire recruits, facilitates training and manages the league umpires.  The Head Umpire works with the Umpire Scheduler, professional umpire trainers and the League Uniform Coordinator.  The Head Umpire attends bi-monthly umpire meetings at the Harding Clubhouse and reports to the board.

Umpire Payroll Processor:  The Umpire Payroll Processor collects time sheets and processes payroll on a bi-monthly basis.  The Umpire Payroll Processor works with the Umpire Scheduler and Head Umpire.  The Umpire Payroll Processor attends bi-monthly umpire meetings at an El Cerrito City Clubhouse.

Webmaster:  The Webmaster maintains the website, supervises Website Assistants and provides administrative support for team webmasters and all other users.  The Webmaster ensures that annual payments are made to continue operation of the site.  The Webmaster ensures that the web servers, hardware and software are operating accurately, and supervises the overall design and content of the website.  The Webmaster regulates and manages access for all users, grants permissions and rights as needed.  The Webmaster reports to the board.

League Webmaster Assistants:  Webmaster Assistants update the website, to include scores, standings and schedules.  Webmaster Assistants report to the Webmaster.  3 positions

Spirit Items Coordinator:  The Spirit Items Coordinator handles sales of spirit items, i.e., baseball caps, sweatshirts, t-shirts, beanies, etc. on Opening Day, designated weekends, the Hit-A-Thon and via e-mail.  The Spirit Items Coordinator maintains spirit item inventory.  The Spirit Item Coordinator reports to the board.

League PCA Coordinator:  The League PCA (Positive Coaching Alliance) Coordinator trains, manages and supports the Team PCA Representatives.  The League PCA Coordinator reports to the board.

Opening Day Coordinator:  The Opening Day Coordinator organizes and supervises all aspects of Opening Day including, but not limited to the parade, food service, raffle, and coordinating with City officials and the ECHS marching band.  The Opening Day Coordinator schedules and supervises Opening Day Volunteers.  The Opening Day Coordinator reports to the board. 

Registration Outreach Coordinator:  The Registration Outreach Coordinator organizes and coordinates publicity to support ECYB registration.

Social Mediator Coordinator:  The Social Mediator Coordinator oversees and supervises ECYB’s presence in social media.

The following league and team jobs provide 7 hours credit.

Team PCA Representative:  Team PCA (Positive Coaching Alliance) Representatives help keep the game fun and fill the emotional tank of players and coaches by using tools they learn at the PCA Training.  Team PCA Representatives need to attend at least 80% of their team’s games to perform their job.  Team PCA Representatives educate families in the PCA principals, and distribute and collect the parent PCA pledges.  Attendance at the PCA Representative training and meetings is mandatory.  The Team PCA Representatives work with the Team Manager and the League PCA Coordinator.

Registrar Assistants:  Registrar Assistants assist the Registrar.  See job description for Registrar.  2 positions

Field Chalk Delivery Volunteers:  Field Chalk Delivery Volunteers maintain the chalk supply at their assigned field(s).  They transport 50 lb. bags of chalk from the Corp Yard to their assigned field(s) as needed.  3 positions

Sponsor Liaisons:  Sponsor Liaisons solicit donations, coordinate and communicate with team sponsors.   The Sponsor Liaisons report to the board.  2 positions

League A’s Game Coordinator:  The A’s Game Coordinator organizes ECYB participation in Little League Day at the Oakland A’s.  The A’s Coordinator communicates with the Oakland A’s, obtains and distributes order forms to the teams, collects completed order forms and payments from the teams, orders, receives and distributes tickets to the teams.  The A’s Game Coordinator reports to the board.

League Photo Day Coordinator:  The Photo Day Coordinator obtains and distributes order forms to the teams, creates and distributes team photo schedules, supervises photo day, receives and distributes the photos, and schedules make-up photo day for teams that need it.  The Photo Day Coordinator reports to the board.

Golf Tournament Coordinator:  The Golf Tournament Coordinator organizes the annual ECYB golf tournament.  The Golf Tournament Coordinator reports to the board.

The following league jobs earn one volunteer hour for each hour worked under the direction of the respective job/event coordinators.

Field Crew:  Field Crew volunteers improve and maintain playing fields including structures, i.e., backstops, benches, and equipment containers.  The Field Crew reports to the Field Maintenance Manager.

Opening Day Volunteers:  Opening Day Volunteers work at Opening Day.  Opening Day Volunteer job assignments include, but are not limited to set up/take down of tables, chairs and stage, pick-up, delivery and preparation of food, parade supervision, raffle ticket sales and clean up.  Attendance at the Opening Day meeting is mandatory.  Opening Day Volunteers report to the Opening Day Coordinator.

Hit-A-Thon Volunteers:  Hit- A-Thon volunteers work at the Hit-A-Thon, if the league holds this type event.  Hit-A-Thon job assignments include, but are not limited to pick-up, delivery and preparation of food, registering Hit-A-Thon participants, measuring and recording hits, collecting pledges, raffle ticket sales and clean up.  Hit-A-Thon Volunteers report to the Hit-A-Thon committee.

Dollar Day Volunteers:  From time to time, Golden Gate Fields offers ECYB an opportunity to work a Dollar Day booth to receive a $1,000 donation for the league.  Dollar Day volunteers work shifts at the hot dog, soda, and beer booth. Volunteers report to the league Dollar Day Coordinator.

Evaluation Volunteers:  Evaluation Volunteers register and organize players at evaluations held in the pre-season.  Evaluation Volunteers work with the Division Presidents and Team Managers.

Spirit Wear Volunteers:  Spirit Wear Volunteers assist the Spirit Wear Coordinator.  See job description for Spirit Wear Coordinator.  2 positions

The following team jobs fulfill the hours requirement as described below.

Game Field Preparation Volunteers:  Game Field Preparation Volunteers prepare the fields in advance of each game by setting up equipment, pitching mounds if necessary, dragging or watering the infields, and chalking the fields.  The home team prepares the field before the game and the visiting team puts away all equipment, locks the container and drags the field after the game.  2 volunteers per team per game (1 hour per game per volunteer)

Practice Field Preparation Volunteers:  Practice Field Preparation Volunteers help tear down dirt infields after each practice by putting away bases and other equipment, dragging the infields, and putting water down on the fields as needed.  2 volunteers per team per practice (0.5 hour per practice per volunteer)

Team Webmaster:  The Team Webmaster sets up and updates the team’s website according to ECYB Board guidelines.  The Team Webmaster posts practice information, snack schedule, and game schedule.  The Team Webmaster reports to the League Webmaster.  1 per team (5 hours)

Team Trophy Coordinator:  The Team Trophy Coordinator orders, collects money, and purchases individual trophies for team players towards the end of the season.  The Team Trophy Coordinator reports to the Team Business Manager.  1 per team (2 hours)

Team Photo Coordinator:  The Team Photo Coordinator obtains and distributes order forms from the League Photo Day Coordinator, notifies team of photo date, time and location, and picks up and distributes photos when ready.  The Team Photo Coordinator assists the team at picture day by ensuring that each player is in full uniform and has their money/envelopes ready.  The Team Photo Coordinator reports to the League Photo Day Coordinator.  1 per team (2 hours)

Team Party Coordinator:  TheTeam Party Coordinator organizes the end of season party, coordinates awards with input from the team families, and collects money for and buys coaches gifts at the end of the season.  1 per team (2 hours)

Team A’s Coordinator:  The Team A’s Coordinator obtains and distributes orders forms to the team, collects and records orders and payment and submits copies of all paperwork to the League A’s Game Coordinator.  There are typically two Oakland A’s game events during the season, including the Little League Festival day game and a fireworks night game.  The Team A’s Coordinator obtains and distributes ticket packets to the team for Oakland A’s games.  The Team A’s Coordinator reports to the League A’s Coordinator.  1 per team (4 hours)

Team Uniform and First Aid Coordinator:  The Team Uniform and First Aid Coordinator picks up and distributes all team jerseys and returns any unassigned jerseys the Manager may have at the end of the season.  The Team Uniform and First Aid Coordinator collects and returns in clean condition any jerseys intended for reuse to the League Uniform Coordinator in numerical order and completely buttoned up.  The Team Uniform and First Aid Coordinator contacts the League First Aid Coordinator to replenish any needed supplies.  1 per team (2 hours)

Team Banner Coordinator:  The Team Banner Coordinator displays the team’s sponsor banner at every game.  The Team Banner Coordinator receives the banner at Opening Day and returns the banner to the League Sponsor Liaison at the end of the season. Note: the Team Banner Coordinator is responsible to make sure the banner is not lost during the season, and thus their deposit is tied to this performance goal. 1 per team (2 hours)

Contact us

El Cerrito Youth Baseball

PO. Box 194 
El Cerrito, California 94530
Email: [email protected]

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